Hello, my name is Farris Yawn, and I am one of your Canton City Council Members from Ward 3.
I moved to Canton with my family 45 years ago, and I quickly fell in love with the area and its people. My wife’s family has been here for several generations. I own a business in Canton, and my wife’s family owns several businesses in South Canton. We have a large stake in the prosperity and growth of all of Canton. The kind of sustainable growth that will benefit your children and grandchildren, not become a burden to them.
My commitment to Canton has been amply demonstrated by my years of work on the city’s behalf, first as a citizen, as a volunteer, and then as an elected official.
The decisions we make in the next few years will set the course for our city for a long time to come, and those decisions need to be made not just for our immediate gratification, but for the long-term benefit of generations to follow. The issues we will face need to be thoroughly thought out, with strategies in place to ensure that whatever we implement will actually achieve the goals that we want. We are still feeling the ill effects of past uncontrolled growth, and we need to insure that future growth is sustainable and fiscally responsible.
My vision for Canton is of a prosperous city built on a sustainable foundation, without losing the small-town charm that drew us all here. I want to help ensure that future comes to pass.